4 وظائف مصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي

 4 وظائف مصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي

وظائف مصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي

عن البنكـ

مصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي هو بنك إماراتي تأسس في 13 محرم سنة 1418 هـ الموافق 20 مايو سنة 1997 م كشركة مساهمة عامة، وكان ذلك بناء على المرسوم الأميري رقم 9 لسنة 1997 الذي أصدره خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس الدولة. وقد بدأ المصرف بتوفير مجموعة من الخدمات والمنتجات المصرفية ذات المستوى الرفيع، كخدمات التمويل وخدمات الحسابات المصرفية المختلفة منذ 11 رجب سنة 1419 هـ الموافق 11 نوفمبر سنة 1998 م. وقد تم افتتاح المصرف رسمياً في 18 أبريل سنة 1999 م. وبلغ رأس مال المصرف المصرح به والمكتتب فيه مليار درهم إماراتي أي ما يعادل 273 مليون دولار أمريكي موزعا على 100 مليون سهم بقيمة أسمية قدرها 10 دراهم للسهم الواحد، وجميعها أسهم عادية.

نبذة عن مصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي – مصر
مصرف أبوظبي الإسلامي – مصر، هو المصرف الحائزعلى العديد من الجوائز المرموقة ، وقد دخل إلى السوق المصرية من خلال استحواذ التحالف الإماراتي بين كل من مصرف أبوظبي الإسلامي و شركة الإمارات الدولية للإستثمار على “البنك الوطنى للتنمية” مصروذلك فى عام 2007.

وفي إطار استراتيجيته كمصرف شامل يركز على تقديم مجموعة واسعة ومبتكر ة من الحلول المالية الحديثة والمتوافقة مع الشريعة الإسلامية لعملائه من الشركات والأفراد ، تم استحداث بنية تحتية متطورة وتجديد لشبكة الفروع ال70 المنتشرة على مستوى محافظات الجمهورية من خلال فريق عمل من ذوي الكفاءات. ولتحقيق التكامل في الخدمات المصرفية أنشأ مصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي – مصر الذراع المصرفية الاستثمارية شركة أبوظبي الإسلامي كابيتال مصر، وشركة أديليس للتأجير التمويلي ADILease، وذراع إدارة الأصول شركة مصرف أبوظبي الإسلامي للاستثمار ADIB_Invist.

وبعد عملية الاستحواذ، ارتفع رأس المال المدفوع إلى ما يقرب من سبعة أضعاف من 281 مليون جنيه مصري إلى 2 مليار جنيه و 4 مليارات جنيه مصرح بها. و قد حقق مصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي مصر 1,228 مليون جنيها أرباحاً صافية في نهاية عام 2019، وهو ما يمثل زيادة بنسبة 44٪ مقارنة بنفس الفترة من عام 2018. وقد نجح مصرف أبوظبي الإسلامي- مصر في تأسيس منصة للبيع بالتجزئة والشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة لخدمة العملاء في مختلف القطاعات وتقديم الخدمات التمويلية على المدى المتوسط و الطويل. كل هذه الإجراءات مكنت المصرف من بناء محفظة مصرفية ترتكز على قاعدة واسعة من الشركات ذات الريادة المحلية والعالمية العاملة في السوق المصرية بالإضافة الى قاعدة كبيرة من العملاء الأفراد.

بالإضافة إلى ما سبق ذكره تأتي منتجات الأصول والخصوم وخدمات الخزانة التي يقدمها المصرف من خلال فريق عمل ملتزم بأعلى معايير الجودة في مجال خدمة العملاء، حيث يعمل بمصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي – مصر فريقًا مدرباً يضم أكثر من 2300 موظف، يعملون عن كثب لطرح المزيد من الخدمات والمنتجات المصرفية التى تلبي احتياجات العملاء والمتوافقة مع الشريعة الإسلامية وذلك من خلال 70 فرع في كافة أنحاء الجمهورية.

من ناحية أخرى، التزم المصرف بدوره نحو دعم التنمية المجتمعية فى مصر، وذلك إيمانًا منه بأن النجاح في الأعمال المصرفية والتنمية المجتمعية هدفان يكملان بعضهما البعض، وحَرص على أن يكون مؤسسة داعمة للمجتمع الذي يعمل به ويضع أنشطة المسئولية المجتمعية على قمة أولوياته والتزاماته. ويفخر بمشاركته الفعالة في هذه المجالات بالتعاون مع كبرى المنظمات والجمعيات الأهلية العاملة بمصر وذلك لبناء الجسور نحو مستقبل أكثر أشراقاً .

وتأكيداً لمكانته المتميزة في القطاع المصرفي خلال عام 2019 فاز المصرف على الجوائز التالية:

أفضل مؤسسة مالية إسلامية في مصر” من مجلة جلوبال فاينانس
المبتكرين في التمويل الإسلامي” من مجلة جلوبال فاينانس
البنك الإسلامي لعام 2019 في مصر” من مجلة ذا بانكر
أفضل بنك إسلامي لعام 2019” من إسلاميك فاينانس نيوز
أفضل الخدمات المصرفية الإسلامية للأفراد في مصر” من مجلة بانكر ميدل إيست
أفضل بنك إسلامي للتجزئة المصرفية في مصر” من مجلة انترناشونال فاينانس
البنك الأسرع نموًا للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في مصر” من جلوبال بانكينج آند فاينانس
و تم تصنيف المصرف من قبل مجلة أموال الغد باعتباره واحد من “أفضل 100 شركة” في السوق المصري

لتفاصيل وظائف البنك وكيفية التقديم | اضغط ع التالي👇

الوظيفة الاولي

مدير فرع غرب القاهرة

Branch Manager-West Cairo

عن هذه الوظيفة
Takes the lead in reinforcing the vision of ADIB. Continually spearheads the drive to proactively enhance the customer experience via leadership in people management / team building, continuous process improvement and co-ordination with product development. Develops and implements business relationship building and acquisitions initiative.


Sales/Relationship Management:

  • Seek new business opportunities and develop them to maximize business growth.
  • Achieve payroll & deposits targets via marketing and cross selling the wide range of products to existing/ potential customers attracting new deposits.
  • Communicates the mission, vision, values and progress of ADIB to branch team.
  • Provides leadership to a specific branch with a strong focus on sales, sales management and people management.
  • Personally effective at building the business, deepening relationship and increasing targeted customer base through the execution of an effective sales process.
  • Accountable for meeting financial targets.
  • Ensures implementation of ADIB strategy through action plans aimed at acquiring, servicing and building targeted customers through relationship with ADIB.
  • Develops and implements branch sales plan.
  • Approve expenses within the assigned approval powers
  • Provide regular and constructive feedback to management on the operational / business performance of the new branch concept.
  • Manage, coach & train Branch Staff with the aim of elevating service level and creating team work spirit
  • Optimizes branch trade area opportunities to develop target market potential and area profitability.
  • Ensures that the branch team is properly trained to enable them to deliver.
  • Ensures the safety and soundness of ADIB assets; applies and complies with all ADIB policies and procedures and regulatory requirements.
  • Provides clear communication of objectives and plans to achieve them.
  • Networks within the community in order to acquire new and enhance existing customer relationships and meet corporate objectives.
  • Visible in representing ADIB’s commitment to the customer segments we serve.
  • Achieving branch budget via effective sales management.
  • Assist management in conducting management of change.
  • Monitor and control Branch’s attrition, quality of services, quality of files, etc.
  • Handle escalated customer issues, feedback and complaints
  • Motivates the branch team to provide a superior banking experience.
  • Handles more complex targeted customers relationships directly.

CBE, Compliance, Audit, Procedures:
  • Designated as overall in-charge of the branch’s operating policies and procedures, compliance and control. Ensures proper implementations, reviews, recommends changes/improvements.
  • Reviews/performs branch audits: ensures operational and cash control, contingency plans etc. are maintained and exceeds audit standards.
  • Ensure implementation of all Bank & CBE regulations and compliance in every activity of the Branch.
  • Ensure that all staff are abiding to Bank policies/ procedures, KYC, CBE & compliance regulation as well as properly monitored and follow up on the quality of files.

Service and Productivity:
  • Works towards Cycle time reduction, continues process improvement programs, customer satisfaction initiatives and empowerment activities related to service.
  • Reviews relevance of all service indicators and recommends changes/improvements. Updates everyone on the changes.
  • Ensures that service standards are achieved.
  • Reviews data on usage of each type of access channel and thinks of ways to restructure the set-up to encourage customers to go to the desired channels.
  • Guarantee the availability of a trained contingency force during emergencies.
  • And any other assigned tasks.


Minimum Qualifications:

  • University/College Degree preferably with Post Graduate Studies.
  • 10-13 years of retail or financial services experience.

Job specific Skills:

  • Exemplifies core competencies: analysis, candor, communication, customer focus, leadership, teamwork, process management, functional proficiency, managing changes, people management and development.
  • Business building, superior sales, sales management and coaching skills.
  • Thorough understanding of branch trade area and the diverse needs of target consumer.
  • Capacity to interface at several levels both internal and external to the organization.
  • Knowledge of ADIB regulatory policies, procedures and standards.
  • Working knowledge of financial planning / asset allocation.
  • Hands on knowledge of branch systems and operations.
  • Knowledge of corporate goals and objectives.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Negotiation and problem resolution skills.
  • Good command of the English language

Generic Skills

  • Communication Skills
  • Customer Service management skills
  • Managerial skills
  • Sales Management

لتفاصيل عن الوظيفة الثانية   لمصرف أبو ظبي الإسلاميل | اضغط ع التالي👇

الوظيفة الثانية

مصرفي شخصي - غرب القاهرة (المعادي)

Personal Banker- West Cairo (Maadi)

عن هذه الوظيفة

Identifies, acquires & grows a base of retail customers in order to meet business objectives.

Nurtures the growth of long-term business relationship with target retail customers by providing them with substantial added value and providing world-class financial products / services.


Sales/Relationship Management:

  • Responsible for achieving & delivering his/her targets of the allocated range of products specific to Advising Zone.
  • Follow up with others (Credit/ Operations) Departments, pipeline or tools available (Jupiter) on pending cases
  • Achieving target sales activities of (outbound sales, sales visits, cross sell ratio to walk-in customers) as defined in the commercial action plan.
  • Personally and proactively effective at building the business, deepening relationships and increasing targeted consumers through the execution of an effective sales process.
  • Prepares and executes a sales plan for the assigned account relationships; high knowledge of competition products.
  • Grows the number of new account relationships via conversion of branch walk-ins, customer referrals, marketing leads and self-generated leads.
  • Proactive in assessing financial needs of customers.
  • Keep updated and learns in-depth the new products offered by competition.

Quality & Services

  • Ensure proper stationery and merchandising in the Branch at all time guided by communication plan.
  • Ensure handling and covering all customer requests/ inquiries to ensure services excellencies
  • Responsible for operations of (Express Banking, Advisory) in terms of authorizations, custodians and reviewing all related reports
  • Regularly promote the usage of other delivery channels via day-to day contacts with the customers
  • Ensure continuous flow of appointments at Advising Zone.
  • Participates in special projects and tasks including Compliance related activities.

CBE, Compliance, Audit, Procedures

  • Responding to Compliance Dept. requirements in terms of obtaining proper approvals
  • Ensure implementation of all Bank policies / procedures / KYC compliance requirements are in place
  • Ensure following set procedures / policies as per designation letter
  • And any other assigned tasks.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • University/College Degree

Minimum Experience:

  • 2-4 years in the financial services industry; or other strong-sales culture industry.

Job specific Skills:

  • Good sales skills
  • Ability to work in a team.
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Good communication and relationship building skills.
  • Exemplifies Core Competencies: analysis, condor, communication, customer focus, teamwork, process management, functional proficiency,
  • Good command of the English language

Generic Skills

  • Communication Skills
  • Customer Service skills
  • Sales skills
لتفاصيل عن الوظيفة الثالثه  لمصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي | اضغط ع التالي👇

الوظيفة الثالثه

محلل مراقبة بطاقات الاحتيال

Cards Fraud Monitoring Analyst

عن هذه الوظيفة

  • To ensure prevention, detection and deterrence of fraudulent transactions on bank cards.


  • Handles the daily operations of the fraud departments, by monitoring the unit with the aim of achieving the most accurate detection process
  • Communicate with customer to give them full picture of his card usage
  • Handles the implementation of the corrective action if any fraud attack occurred on cards
  • And any other assigned Tasks.


Minimum Qualifications:

  • University/College Degree
  • 2+ years of relevant experience in cards monitoring
  • Knowledge of banks’ operations, sales & support environments
  • Credit knowledge as well as complete understanding of cards product and procedures
  • Job specific Skills:
  • Competent credit & market analysis skills.
  • Good Communication skills
  • Customer orientation

Generic Skills

  • Excellent presentation abilities
  • Excellent command of English language.
  • Strong computer skills

لتفاصيل عن الوظيفة الرابعة   لمصرف أبو ظبي الإسلامي | اضغط ع التالي👇

الوظيفة الرابعه

مسئول عمليات الائتمان / مسؤول أول

Credit Operations Officer/Senior Officer

عن هذه الوظيفة

1- Functional

Manage Corporate Operation portfolio including

a. syndications

b. SME’s

c. Top tier & large corporate

d. public sector

e. financial instructions banks and non-banks

f. MNCs


h. NPL customers

i. commercial banking

j. business banking customers

2- Control Booking of contracts , disbursement of funds , reschedules and settlements till pay-off

3- Authorize indirect facilities granted to corporate and retail customers

4- Manage the implementation of CA terms and conditions as well as disbursement conditions related to import & export contracts , supply / purchase orders and Islamic contracts terms

5- Monitor customers checks portfolio ( Guarantee & PDC’s ) according to risk conditions and control related concentrated ratios

6- Handle borrowing and transactional documents related to business banking and fully secured indirect facilities

7- Report clients PO & contracts status & calculate related D/P on weekly basis to CR. Admin to adjust client commitment limit accordingly

8- Report and calculate clients PDC portfolio D/P to credit admin end of each week to adjust client commitment limit accordingly

9- Close monitor of bank income generating from the financial products by applying CA right profit rate and ensure profit payment on the due date , and reporting to risk unpaid clients profit on monthly basis

10- Close monitor to the wholesales financing products GLs & reconcile them with the customers actual exposure on monthly basis , while rectify any differences if any

11- Calculate as a manager Syndication for payment / drawdown per each bank and send breakdown to Agency team to take necessary action.

12- Review calculation sheet for Ijara tri-parity Contracts before send it to Adi-lease team in order to take necessary action

13- Review with Mudarba revolving turn over for as per CA condition before send it to risk and RM

14- Running and review past Due Mudarba FX temporary weekly for Corporate segments then send it to FI and Treasury teams take necessary action.

15- Ensure that CA conditions related to Credit ops had been reported to Risk end of each month

16- Follow up on contract with zero balance till be settled and report it to risk and business team on daily base.

2- Managerial

1- implementing the shifting model for credit operation staff

2- Implement the creation of back up for each department function , through Cross training and Job rotation

3- Coaching credit operation junior staff till being capable to fully handling all credit operation activities on core banking systems and on-going , increasing their knowledge and capability till being a credit operation expat through direct meetings and organized banking external courses , mainly in Islamic products

3- Organizational

1- Ensure abidance to the bank policy , procedures , CBE regulations and SHARIAA approvals

2- Review daily submitted E-mails through the group and daily review of department requirements while confirm answering all requests in a correct time frame according to the agreed TAT and approved SLA

3- Perform the KPI Dashboard by reducing cost per transaction through reducing expenses and maintaining the under staffing approach as well as investing in junior staff

4- Performance Indicators

Reach a complete achievements of the following :-

1- Complete customer satisfaction by a full adherence to the SLA and TAT with all other departments

2- Perform all operational aspects with zero risk

3- confirm the fulfilment of daily tasks with zero defect from all credit Operation staff

4- Enhance system and operational knowledge to his subordinates

5- Maintain low risk profile while performing department daily activities by enhancing system tools and keeping the 4 eye principle concept on all risk area within the job functions


Full adherence to the department procedures

Fully compliant to CBE regulations Banking policies and procedures

Operational risk requirements

EFSA rules and regulations

Islamic standards and sharia requirements

6- Initiatives

Handling internally department unusual tasks required while control task performance with minimum supervision from department heads

Minimum Qualifications:

Banking Operation, Credit operation.

Minimum Experience:

0-6 years of wide banking experience in banking operations

Job specific Skills:

  • Corporate and risk oriented.
  • Has strong knowledge of the Egyptian Market
  • Fluency in English ( written / spoken )
  • Excellent supervision and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent computer and banking system knowledge
  • Ability to work under pressure with multiple tasks
  • Accurate , alert and well organized
  • Very strong analytical skills
  • Understanding SHARIAA standards for corporate finance
  • Strong background in manage core banking systems deployments and implementation over corporate finance modules
  • Excellent Managerial , communication and interpersonal skills

Generic Skills

Supervision skills , computer and system skills , Islamic banking and systems implementations


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